Half Treble Crochet
1. This stitch is the second stitch in crochet, after Double Crochet. This is because the Half Treble stitch comes next in order of stitch heights.
2. When worked in rows the work looks the same on both sides.
3. To start make a foundation chain of the required length.
4. To begin work into the 3rd chain from the hook or add 2 extra chains at the beginning of this row.
5. Yarn round the hook (yrh) and insert the hook into the 3rd chain. Draw up a loop, through this foundation chain.
6. There are now 3 loops on the hook.
7. Yrh and draw a loop through all 3 loops.
8. This completes the 1st Half Treble Crochet stitch.
9. Work one Half Treble Crochet into each chain to the end of the row.
10. Remember to start each Half Treble by wrapping the yarn around the hook, before inserting it through the chain.
11. After working a Half Treble Crochet into the last chain, TURN the work to position the yarn at the right edge of your work.
12. You are now ready for the 2nd row.
13. Make 2 chains at the start of each row. This is called the turning chain.
14. The work is now the correct height for this row.
15. Yrh and work the 1st Half Treble Crochet into the 2nd stitch in the row below.
16. Continue working Half Treble Crochet stitches into each of the remaining stitches. Insert the hook into both V stitches of the row below.
17. When the piece is complete cut the yarn, leaving a long tail for sewing.
18. Remove the hook from the last loop, pass the yarn end through this loop, and pull to close and secure.